EPM2011/m The numerical integration of the equations of motion of the celestial bodies has been performed in the Parameterized Post-Newtonian N-body metric for General Relativity in the TDB time scale. EPM2011 ephemerides [2-4] are computed in the barycentric coordinate system - BCRS, over more than the 400-year interval (1787-2214) using the program package ERA-7 [1]. Ephemerides EPM2011 were constructed (2011 - July 2012) before the B2 resolution of 28 GA IAU which fixes the value of the astronomical units of length (au) equal 149597870700 m and preposes the determination GM_Sun in SI units. In EPM2011 the au value was determined: au_EPM2011 = 149597870695.88 m. Although following the B2 resolurion does not increase the accyracy of constructed ephemerides, the next EPM ephemeris implementation will be made in accordance with the B2 resolurion. During some time the planet and lunar parts of EPM2011 ephemerides were being improved separately. For EPM2011/m ephemerides, the parameters of the lunar and planet parts of ephemerides have been in agreement with each other ("m" stands for "Moon"). The result of this agreement was moderate changing of the lunar motion, whereas the planet positions of EPM and EPM/m coincide. We always computed the lunar libration along with positions of planets and the Moon for EPM ephemerides, however, for the first time, the lunar libtarion has appeared on our website ftp://quasar.ipa.nw.ru/incoming/EPM/. EPM2011/m ephemerides contain coordinates and velocities of the Sun, the Moon, nine major planets, three largest asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Vesta) and 4 TNO (Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna) (in au, au/day) as well as lunar libration (in radians) and TT-TDB (in seconds). Also, in addition to IAA binary and ASCII formats, a representation of ephemerides in SPK/PCK formats has been added, which will allow easy access to EPM2011/m for users of CALCEPH and SPICE libraries. Dmitry Pavlov is responsible for updating the ephemeris software and files of EPM ephemerides, in particular for creation of the SPK format and compuring TT-TDB of EPM2011. For constructing planetary ephemerides using the best modern observations, it is necessary to take into account all influencing factors. The dynamical model of the planetary part of the EPM ephemerides includes: - mutual perturbations from nine major planets, the Sun, and the Moon; - perturbations from 301 the most massive asteroids, and the 21 largest trans-neptunean objects (TNO); - perturbations from a modeled massive asteroid ring with a uniform mass distribution, and perturbations from a similar massive ring of TNO's in the ecliptic plane with a radius of 43 au; - relativistic perturbations; - perturbations due to the solar oblateness. Including into the simultaneous integration the 21 largest and very far TNO (Eris which surpasses Pluto is one of them) causes the significant change of the barycenter of the Solar System (without TNO, the barycentric coordinates would be incorrect, as they incorrectly reflect the real positions in the Solar system). Thus, the comparison of barycentric coordinates of EPM (EPM2008, EPM2011) with barycentric coordinates of other ephemerides (DE, INPOOP) knowingly is reasonlesss giving large differences. Only the comparison of relative coordinates (heliocentric or geocentric) shows real differences between ephemerides. Thereby, as compared with EPM2008, the updated dynamic model of the planet part of EPM2011 includes: - the ring of TNO's lying in the ecliptic plane with radius of 43 au, with estimated mass, - new values of celestial bodies masses, and of other parameters, - the expanded database (1913-2011). The values of planet masses of EPM2011 were adopted by the 27 GA IAU (except Mercury), and are close to values of DE421. The EPM2011 ephemerides have been fitted to 677670 observations of different types, spanning 1913-2011, from classical meridian observations to modern planetary and spacecraft ranging. The ephemerides of the inner planets are based fully on radio-technical observations (mostly, measurements of time delays). The accuracy of observations of ranging has improved from about 6 km to several meters for today's spacecraft data. The ephemerides of the outer planets are mainly based on optical measurements taken since 1913, when they become more accurate (0."5). In addition to optical observations of these planets, for the construction of ephemerides, positional observations of the satellites of the outer planets are used, as these observations are more precise and practically free from the phase effect, which is difficult to take into account. The modern optical data are CCD observations, and their accuracy reaches 0."05. Radar observations have been reduced using relativistic corrections - the time delay of the propagation of radio signals in the gravitational fields of the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn (the Shapiro effect), and the reduction of observations from the coordinate time of the ephemerides to the proper time of the observer. In addition, the radar observations of Mercury, Venus, and Mars are corrected for their topography and for the extra delay of electromagnetic signals in the Earth's troposphere and in the solar corona. The main reductions of optical observations of planets involve the correction to the additional phase effect, the corrections for referring the observations to the ICRF reference frame, and the relativistic correction for light bending. For the TT-TDB conversion, the differential equation from the paper by Klioner [5] has been used, and TT-TDB was obtained by numerically integrating the EPM2011. For improvement of the planetary part of EPM2011, about 270 parameters are determined: - orbital elements of the planets and the 18 satellites of the outer planets; - the length of the astronomical unit or the value of the solar mass parameter; - three angles of orientation with respect to the ICRF frame; - parameters of the rotation of Mars and topography of the inner planets; - masses of asteroids, the asteroid belts; and TNO's ring; - the time delay from the solar corona (the parameters of its model were determined from observations for different solar conjunctions); - some post-model parameters (beta, gamma, \dot G/G, \dot {GM_\odot}/GM_\odot, \dot \pi_i, \dot a_i/a_i, etc.) EPM2011 has been oriented to the ICRF with an accuracy better than 0.1 mas by including into the total solution the 213 ICRF-based VLBI measurements of spacecraft taken from 1989-2010 near Venus, Mars, and Saturn (in mas): varepsilon_X =-0.000+-0.042, varepsilon_Y =-0.025+-0.048, varepsilon_Z = 0.004+-0.028. The carrent maximum errors of the coordinates of the Earth orbit determined from a comparison of the EPM2011 heliocentric X, Y, Z coordinates, velocities, and distances with those of DE424 over the 1950-2050 time interval are less than 250 m (coordinates), 0.05 mm/s (velocities), 5.3 m (distances). The dynamic model of the lunar motion was constucred by George Krasinsky to take into account the tidal perturbation in the lunar rotational motion [6]. The group of George Krasinsky developed the lunar part of the EPM ephemerides [7-8]. At present, Mikhail Vasiliev and Eleonora Yagudina are responsible for the lunar part of EPM ephemerides, and particularly for the lunar part of EPM2011. The tidal perturbation in the lunar orbital motion (due to tidal dissipation on the Earth’s body), as well as in rotational lunar motion (due to tidal dissipation on the Moon’s body) are computed by a model with a delayed argument. The potential of the Moon is calculated up to 4-th order of the zonal index, the potential of the Earth includes the 5-th order harmonics. In the lunar part of EPM2011 ephemerides about 70 parameters are estimated from 17134 1970-2010 LLR data (including Apache data). Currently, the value of the wrms residuals is 5.8 cm. The detailed discription of the lunar part of EPM2011/m ephemerides will be published soon in the journal Solar System Research. Some constants of EPM2011/m ephemerides: 2446000.5 (1984) - date of the starting epoch of the integration JD 2374000.5 (10.09.1787 12h) - date of the backward integration JD 2530000.5 (22.10.2214) - date of the forward integration 299792.458 km/s - the speed of light 149597870695.88 m - number of meters per the Astronomical Unit 81.3005676344 - the Earth-Moon mass ratio 2.0*1.0D-7 - the solar oblateness 1.0 - the PPN parameter beta 1.0 - the PPN parameter gamma 0.0 - the variation of the gravitational constant 3.57 au - the radius of the asteroid ring 0.01720209895*0.01720209895 [au^3/day^2] = 132712440031 [km^3/s^2] - GM of the Sun Masses Gm*1.0D-15 in au^3/day^2 (A) and in Gm*1.0D-10 GM_Sun (B): (A) (B) MERCURY 49124.9717 1660.1198 VENUS 724345.2333 24478.3829 EARTH 888769.2400 30034.8960 MARS 95495.4869 3227.1560 JUPITER 282534584.0787 9547919.1520 SATURN 84597060.7310 2858856.7272 URANUS 12920248.2576 436624.3736 NEPTUNE 15243591.0921 515138.9725 PLUTO 2166.8443 73.2259 MOON 10931.8946 369.4303 136199 Eris 2485.2618 83.9865 136472 Makemake 908.8701 30.7142 136108 Haumea 625.0359 21.1223 90372 Sedna 515.5171 17.4213 1 Ceres 139.7203 4.7217 2 Pallas 30.9864 1.0471 3 Juno 4.3415 0.1467 4 Vesta 38.5552 1.3029 6 Hebe 1.1986 0.0405 7 Iris 1.9345 0.0654 8 Flora 0.6072 0.0205 9 Metis 0.4838 0.0163 10 Hygiea 12.3140 0.4161 14 Irene 1.0667 0.0360 15 Eunomia 4.2771 0.1445 16 Psyche 3.7720 0.1275 19 Fortune 1.2914 0.0436 23 Thalia 0.3681 0.0124 29 Amphitrite 1.5941 0.0539 41 Daphne 1.2341 0.0417 52 Europa 2.6820 0.0906 324 Bamberga 1.5084 0.0510 511 Davids 1.8087 0.0611 532 Herculina 2.0906 0.0706 704 Interamnia 3.6148 0.1222 asteroid ring 31.286 1.057 (the asteroid ring additional to 301 asteroids) TNO ring 14825 501 (TNO ring additional to 21 TNO) References: 1) Krasinsky G.A., Vasiliev M. V., 1997. ERA: knowledge base for Ephemeris and dynamical astronomy. - Dynamics and astrometry of natural and artificial celestial bodies, IAU Coll.165 /EDs. Wytrzyszczak I.M., Lieske J.H., Feldman R.A. Dortrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., p. 239-244. 2) Pitjeva E. V., Pitjev N. P., 2013. Relativistic effects and dark matter in the Solar system from observations of planets and spacecraft. - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol.432, issue 4, 3431-3437. 3) Pitjeva E. V., 2012. EPM -- the high-precision planetary ephemerides of IAA RAS for scientific research, astronavigation on the Earth and space software - "Space-time reference systems for future research". Presentation on IAU Joint Discussion 7 at IAU General Assembly-Beijing, http://referencesystems.info/iau-joint-discussion-7.html, id. 37 (14 p.). 4) Pitjeva E.V., 2013. EPM2011 - updated planetary ephemerides of IAA RAS and their using for scientific reserches. - Solar System Research, 47, N4, 17p, DOI: 10.7868/S0320930X13040063 (in press). 5) Klioner, S.A., et al., 2010, Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy: Dynamics, Reference Frames, and Data Analysis. - IAU Symp. 261, Cambridge University Press, p. 112-123. 6) Krasinsky G.A., 1999. Tidal effects in the Earth-Moon system and the Earth's rotation. - Celes. Mech. Dynam. Astr., V. 75, Issue 1, p. 39-66. 7) Aleshkina E.Yu., Krasinsky G.À., Vasiliev M.V., 1997. Analysis of LLR data by the program system ERA. - Dynamics and astrometry of natural and artificial celestial bodies, IAU Coll.165 /Eds.Wytrzyszczak I.M., Lieske J.H., Feldman R.A. Dortrecht: Kluwer Acad.Publ, p. 228-232. 8) Krasinsky G.A., Prokhorenko S.O., Yagudina E.I., 2010. New version of EPM-ERA Lunar theory. - Journees 2010, Paris. /Ed. N. Capitaine, 2010. p.61-64. Elena Pitjeva, e-mail 10 July, 2013.